3-Song EP cover

3-Song EP


It may be only fourteen minutes long, but 3-Song EP has all the heavy implications of a great Royal Trux album. Their take on traditional tune “Run, Shaker Life” is brutal, disciplined, a call-and-response chant; “Deafer Than Blind” is stoned as you’d like, the group sounding so relaxed they’re about to fall off the podium. But it’s the epic “The United States vs One 1974 Cadillac El Dorado Sedan” that towers over everything. There’s a good case to be made for this as both the centrepiece, and the pinnacle, of the Trux’s music, ‘cos everything you need is here – Jennifer Herrema’s tobacco-stained voice is in fine form; Neil Hagerty’s guitar is given plenty of space to roam; the group (also featuring Dave Pajo, Jon Theodore and Rian Murphy) is entirely in the pocket; the three-way vocal dialogue that splits the song in two is as inexplicable as surrealist sci-fi; put together, it makes for maximum temporal and psychological dislocation. And what a killer title.

Jon Dale

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