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A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window
The poster children of the most post of punk, Cardiacs burst onto the scene with numerous singles and EPs before their proper debut A Little Man… was let loose onto the unsuspecting public. Bouncing wildly from tone to tone, tempo to tempo, sometimes within the same song, it’s a perfect introduction to the band’s brand of Every Idea All At Once. Even amongst the surprise hard rock hit “Is This The Life?” and the opening title track’s sublime orchestration it’s very easy to get thrown off your own personal rhythm in search of a Traditional Song Structure. Cardiacs don’t really do that. What they do is playful honks (“I’m Eating In Bed”), garage rock ragers (“Dive”) and dark waltzes oozing with British gallows humor and bleak irony (“The Icing On The World”). Get back on the electric bull and enjoy getting knocked around again and again.