A Sky Record
Damon & Naomi are patient songwriters. Their albums take several years to complete, and part of that process, one suspects, is the need to make sure the songs must be written, that there’s something new to say. On A Sky Record, they’ve made one of their most powerful albums, but its power is in understatement, and simple observation. When Damon & Naomi write about other protagonists, they’re always sympathetic, and the overarching emotional tone here is one of compassion and personal forgiveness, an embrace of simplicity and the art of everyday life: “Shape things that you can change … Cherish the simple joys.” Their voices are stronger than ever – both Damon and Naomi have settled comfortably into singing as an artform – the songs are harder to place in a good way, floating somewhere between folk-rock, classic pop, and acoustic prog; and the electric guitar of guest Michio Kurihara is exacting and lyrical. There are few who write songs as poetic, and as kind to the world, as these.