A Worcester Ladymass cover

A Worcester Ladymass

Nico Muhly: A Good Understanding cover

Nico Muhly: A Good Understanding

Los Angeles Master Chorale, Grant Gershon
Requiem cover


Conspirare, Craig Hella Johnson
Frank Martin: Le vin herbé cover

Frank Martin: Le vin herbé

Berlin RIAS Chamber Choir, Daniel Reuss, Scharoun Ensemble Berlin
I Sing the Birth cover

I Sing the Birth

New York Polyphony
Alfred Schnittke: Psalms of Repentance cover

Alfred Schnittke: Psalms of Repentance

Swedish Radio Choir, Tõnu Kaljuste
Eleni Karaindrou: Elegy of the Uprooting cover

Eleni Karaindrou: Elegy of the Uprooting

Maria Farantouri, ERT Choir, Eleni Karaindrou
Heinichen: Missa No. 12; J.S. Bach: Magnificat cover

Heinichen: Missa No. 12; J.S. Bach: Magnificat

Dresdner Kammerchor, Hans-Christoph Rademann
Missa Mexicana cover

Missa Mexicana

The Harp Consort
Georg Philipp Teleman: Brockes-Passion cover

Georg Philipp Teleman: Brockes-Passion

Berlin RIAS Chamber Choir, René Jacobs, Akademie für Alte Musik, Berlin
Monteverdi: The Sacred Music, Vol. 3 cover

Monteverdi: The Sacred Music, Vol. 3

The King's Consort, Robert King