Tom Waits released two albums simultaneously in 2002, each the soundtrack to a theatrical collaboration with Robert Wilson. Alice was a collection of songs written for the play of the same name, which dealt with the dark side of the relationship between Charles Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) and his neighbor Alice Liddell, on whom he modeled the title character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Several of the songs come swaddled in orchestral arrangements — this is Waits’s lushest music since the One From The Heart soundtrack, released in 1982. But others (“Kommienezuspadt,” “Reeperbahn”) have the lurching, junkyard quality of his mid ’80s work, and his voice is deployed with exquisite control; the guttural groans and low rumbles are perfectly in service of the songs at all times. “Poor Edward,” based on the true story of a man born with a second face on the back of his head which he claimed spoke to him at night, is both heartbreaking and terrifying.