Bach: Widerstehe doch der Sünde; Ich habe genug; Vergnügte Ruh’ cover

Bach: Widerstehe doch der Sünde; Ich habe genug; Vergnügte Ruh’

On Buying a Horse: The Songs of Judith Weir cover

On Buying a Horse: The Songs of Judith Weir

Iain Burnside, Andrew Kennedy, Susan Bickley, Ailish Tynan
Verismo cover


Antonio Pappano, Anna Netrebko
Musica Nova cover

Musica Nova

Jordi Savall, Hespèrion XXI
Sacred Verdi cover

Sacred Verdi

Antonio Pappano
Dolce Duello cover

Dolce Duello

Cecilia Bartoli, Sol Gabetta
Handel: The Triumph of Time & Truth cover

Handel: The Triumph of Time & Truth

Ludus Baroque, Richard Neville-Towle
Messa per Rossini: A Requiem by Verdi and 12 Other Composers in Memory of Rossini cover

Messa per Rossini: A Requiem by Verdi and 12 Other Composers in Memory of Rossini

La Scala Theater Orchestra, Veronica Simeoni, Riccardo Chailly, María José Siri
The Berlin Concert cover

The Berlin Concert

John Williams, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
Heroes and Heroines cover

Heroes and Heroines

Symphony of Harmony & Invention, Harry Christophers, Sarah Connolly
Elgar: Enigma Variations cover

Elgar: Enigma Variations

Martyn Brabbins, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Debussy: Pelléas & Mélisande cover

Debussy: Pelléas & Mélisande

London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle