The only album by Love Positions, the duo of Nic Dalton (Plunderers, Godstar, Sneeze, The Lemonheads, etc.) and Robyn St. Clare (The Hummingbirds, Godstar), is pure pop pleasure. It was the first album released on Dalton’s long-standing Half A Cow label, and its essence – home-spun jangle-pop songs with warm humour and a prodigious gift for simple melody – informs much of what he released subsequently. The real charm in Billiebeebup, though, is the understated dynamic between the duo, the way St. Clare’s pure-toned voice wraps around Dalton’s charming everydayness. And two of its best songs – “Don’t Slow Down” and “Into Your Arms” – would go on to be hits for Ratcat and The Lemonheads, respectively.