Blissful Ignorance cover

Blissful Ignorance

Mira cover


Arild Andersen, Paolo Vinaccia, Tommy Smith
Where You At cover

Where You At

Karin Krog
Wide Angles cover

Wide Angles

Michael Brecker
Shangri Tunkashi La cover

Shangri Tunkashi La

Jus De Bocse, Médéric Collignon
A Blessing cover

A Blessing

John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble
Live In Tokyo cover

Live In Tokyo

Robben Ford, Larry Carlton
Live at the Jazz Standard cover

Live at the Jazz Standard

Dave Douglas Quintet
Institute of Higher Learning cover

Institute of Higher Learning

Kenny Werner, Brussels Jazz Orchestra
Trilogy cover


Chick Corea Trio
Complete Soul cover

Complete Soul

Nils Wogram Septet
Present Joys cover

Present Joys

Dave Douglas, Uri Caine