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Chiastic Slide
If you know me (lol you don’t) you know that Autechre is kinda the A-Z for me. They’re my guys my fellas my ride-or-dies my ideal my waifu my goals my crush. Also, they can be insanely annoying. I am insane but not entirely. This is not one of the annoying albums that I love—this one I play for guests, like Sign and Amber and Tri Repetae. (NTS Live? That’s for Saturdays with the boys.) They’re my Grateful Dead but they also have People Music and Chiastic Slide is up there. Their immersion in electronics means that they can literally slide in ways nobody else can. Their music simply disintegrates and reforms like David Cronenberg’s Fly every few seconds, if they want. They blur the audio here but also pack the whole thing with beats and melodies, like their parents are in town. Chiastic Slide is Autechre’s hottest nightclub and it has everything: heraldic robot horns, contact mics in the pocket of Sasquatch, heavy-breathing cheese grater, big Tinkertoy reverb, android surf wax, bees.