Clean cover

Australian electronic music just wasn’t the same after Tom Ellard of Severed Heads entered the picture – from his early days as part of the DIY underground, to the deviant dance music he’d make in the ‘90s, Ellard was constantly both ahead of, and slyly commenting on, the game. Clean is from 1981, and it’s a self-released stew of tape cuts, found sound, plasmic drone and irradiated rhythms. The surprise, though, is in how delicate and finely wrought some of it sounds now – those tinkling synth arpeggios are cultivated with real love and an unmistakable facility for warped melody.

Jon Dale

Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) cover

Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller)

Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band
MZUI cover


Edvard Graham Lewis, Russell Mills, Bruce Gilbert
Tone Float cover

Tone Float

Spaces cover


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Synaptic Acres cover

Synaptic Acres

Sandoz Lab Technicians
Siberian Earth Curve cover

Siberian Earth Curve

Birchville Cat Motel
Sov Gott Rose-Marie cover

Sov Gott Rose-Marie

International Harvester
Collage cover


Baba Yaga
Silver Pyramid cover

Silver Pyramid

Music Now Ensemble 1969