Die Grüne Reise: The Green Journey cover

Die Grüne Reise: The Green Journey


Achim Reichel is a one man band, aside from his “machines,” and it gives him a rough kind of organization that sets his work apart. Obscure likely because he was just a guy and didn’t enter the larger world like those with bands, Reichel had a wilder and less spiritual touch than others. He mostly chops his experiments into smaller, less epic pieces, which have a bit of that R. Stevie Moore feel, fragments of compressed pop, and then he goes and enters the epic sweepstakes with “Wahrheit Und Wahrscheinlichkeit (Ein Lexikon Zur Selbsterkenntnis) - Truth And Probability (A Lexicon For Self-Knowledge).” His multi-tracked guitar is a bit like some of Manuel Göttsching’s work, but his vocal pileups are pure comedy sprechstimme, which somehow remind me of Doof Warrior from Mad Max: Fury Road? One of the less serious krautrock soldiers.

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