Electro Acholi Kaboom from Northern Uganda


Otim Alpha and Leo Palayeng’s eletro-acholi compilation Gulu City Anthems was the first time many people heard about both Nyege Nyege and this fast paced poly-rhythmic music. Electro Acholi Kaboom from Northern Uganda gives a broader look into this scene with 15 tracks recorded between 2003 and 2015 by pioneers such as Leo Palayeng, Opiyo Twongweno, Producer Ronnie and Producer Lumix from the region’s several recording studios. Acholi music is always celebratory and upbeat, mostly based on Larakaraka folk songs traditionally performed at weddings and other important occasions, so the vibe on here is consistently joyful and the songs, with their digi-drum rhythms, hypnotic loops and call and response vocals are relentlessly catchy.

Megan Iacobini de Fazio