Issued only seven months past the release of LCD Soundsystem’s Sound of Silver, picked and mixed by that band’s leader and drummer, respectively, this instantly pole-vaulted to the front of my affections that year; it remains my favorite LCD-affiliated release. Fifteen of the twenty-four cuts on FabricLive 36 come from disco’s late peak-cum-early obsolescence, between 1978 and 1983, with many actually re-edits from the late 2000s, when those were in full vogue; the rest come from later but mine that turn-of-the-eighties sound assiduously. Sound like a familiar formula? The payoffs are similar — Murphy and Mahoney loved grooves for their tension-and-release potential, from Chic’s monster drums on “I Feel Your Love Comin’ On” to the saucy raunch of Punkin’ Machine’s “I Need You Tonight.”