Fallen Camellias cover

On Fallen Camelias, the trio of Painting Petals On Planet Ghost – Ramona Ponzini, with the Opalio brothers from My Cat Is An Alien – play it simple: repetitive guitar phrases that spin around a handful of notes; gentle droplets of keyboards; the occasional blast of fuzzed-out noise. Ponzini’s voice hovers above everything, using Japanese ancient poetry as lyrical sources, and delivering her lines unaffectedly, in a becalmed hush. You can trace some through-lines to other musicians who have explored similar territory – Hisato Higuchi, in particular, and perhaps some elements of Loren Connors & Suzanne Langille’s collaborations – but Fallen Camelias is its own thing. Despite its surface quiet, it’s a tense, and sometimes intense, listen, even as the collective focus of the trio is imperturbable.

Jon Dale

Ghosts On Water cover

Ghosts On Water

Ghosts on Water, Andrew Chalk, Naoko Suzuki, Daisuke Suzuki
Live II cover

Live II

wakka cover


Aquifers cover


Michael Prime
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Tales of the Unexpected

The Lighthouse Keepers
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