Ginger cover



This is often overlooked when people talk about WARP’s Artificial Intelligence series. Perhaps because others in the series by The Black Dog, Autechre and Aphex Twin (in his Polygon Window guise) marked the beginnings of decades-long relationships between UK artists and the label, whereas this was a Dutchman licensed via Richie Hawtin’s Canadian Plus-8 label. But whatever the reason, Ginger should NOT be overlooked. It captures the sweaty, social, cosmic interzone magic of rave backrooms and after parties at the precise moment before techno, trance, hardcore, jungle and more experimental styles fully speciated. It’s right up there with Future Sound of London, Air Liquide, Global Communication and all the other great soundscapers of the period for eyes-rolled-back, beanbag inclined, alien-communing, fractal-swirling, hallucinatory magic.

Joe Muggs
