Haydn: Music for Prince Esterházy and the King of Naples cover

Haydn: Music for Prince Esterházy and the King of Naples

Bloch: Piano Quintets cover

Bloch: Piano Quintets

Piers Lane, Goldner String Quartet
Allan Pettersson: Symphonies Nos. 8 & 10 cover

Allan Pettersson: Symphonies Nos. 8 & 10

Leif Segerstam, Norrköping Symphony Orchestra
Leevi Madetoja: Symphony No. 2; Kullervo; Elegy cover

Leevi Madetoja: Symphony No. 2; Kullervo; Elegy

John Storgårds, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
Haydn: Symphonies No. 60 and No. 61; Overture in D cover

Haydn: Symphonies No. 60 and No. 61; Overture in D

Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Fey
Rimsky-Korsakov: The Golden Cockerel Suite; May Night Overture cover

Rimsky-Korsakov: The Golden Cockerel Suite; May Night Overture

Igor Markevitch, Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux
Bax: Symphony No. 5; The Tale the Pine-Trees Knew cover

Bax: Symphony No. 5; The Tale the Pine-Trees Knew

Royal Scottish National Orchestra, David Lloyd-Jones
The Butterfly Lovers Concerto cover

The Butterfly Lovers Concerto

Takako Nishizaki, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, James Judd