In Color


Arch but never so much they flew off the curve, Rockford’s favorite poster boys (the handsome half in color, the goofy duo in black and white) start off their second collection of pristine power pop by introducing themselves. They balance out the cleverness with aw-shucks sweetness here more than they would later. The tunes mostly concern teenage boy problems, i.e. girls, a fertile topic indeed. It’s fun hearing future livelier-at-Budokan megasmash “I Want You To Want Me”’s origins as a simple rockabilly bopper, “Clock Strikes Ten” rocks all the way around the watchface, and the girls in superb single “Southern Girls” are apparently Southern Canadian, but who’s counting? If they’d added a little more distortion to “Please Don’t Go” they would’ve invented Def Leppard.

Jeff Treppel
