In the Midst of Life: Music from the Baldwin Partbooks, Vol. 1 cover

In the Midst of Life: Music from the Baldwin Partbooks, Vol. 1

Orlando Gibbons: With a Merrie Noyse: Second Service & Consort Anthems cover

Orlando Gibbons: With a Merrie Noyse: Second Service & Consort Anthems

Magdalen College Choir, Oxford, Fretwork, Grayston Ives
The Tudors at Prayer cover

The Tudors at Prayer

Philip Cave, Magnificat
Pergolesi: Stabat Mater; Marian Music from Naples cover

Pergolesi: Stabat Mater; Marian Music from Naples

Vincent Dumestre, Le Poème Harmonique
Dvořák: Requiem, Biblical Songs, Te Deum cover

Dvořák: Requiem, Biblical Songs, Te Deum

Svatopluk Sem, Jan Martiník, Antonín Dvořák, Christianne Stotijn, Michael Spyres, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Ailyn Pérez, Jiří Bělohlávek, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Jakub Hrůša
Handel at Vauxhall, Vol. 1 cover

Handel at Vauxhall, Vol. 1

Bridget Cunningham, London Early Opera
Byrd: The Three Masses; Ave Verum Corpus cover

Byrd: The Three Masses; Ave Verum Corpus

Westminster Cathedral Choir, Martin Baker
Franz Schubert: Der Einsame cover

Franz Schubert: Der Einsame

Simon Lepper, Ilker Arcayürek
Ramon Llull: L’últim pelegrinatge cover

Ramon Llull: L’últim pelegrinatge

Capella de Ministrers, Carles Magraner