Kill the Lights


Brevity! It’s underrated! Tony Molina has what we in the business call “sorcerer-level powers” when it comes to writing small songs that scratch and bite their way through a stereo. The 60’s power-pop inspired Kill The Lights wears its influences proudly; Big Star, early Beatles, late Beatles, the Monkees. The 14 ½ minutes breeze by with sunny arrangements hiding wistful lyricism; “Wrong Town,” one of the quieter moments on the record, has one of the gut-punchingest opening lines in a while: “I think I live in a wrong town, all my friends have let me down.” And the longest song at 2:26, “Look Inside Your Mind/Losin’ Touch,” whiplashes from soft acoustic guitar and piano sections to massive Pink Floyd-ian organ/electric guitar riffage. There’s a lot to take in in just 15 minutes, which is why I recommend listening to it, oh, a good five times in a row. 

Amelia Riggs