London Is The Place For Me 8 (Lord Kitchener In England, 1948-1962)
Lord Kitchener understood that he needed to experience new things in order to stay sharp and keep improving his craft. “I have reached the height of my popularity in Trinidad,” the calypsonian once said while musing on his career. “What am I doing here? I should make a move.” In London, Kitch purposely pulled himself far out of his comfort zone and put his feelings into song, rendering his observational humor and wit onto reflections of English cuisine, the local football teams, and racism he experienced while living abroad. He persevered through awkward performances where patrons at the pubs he performed in complained they couldn’t understand his accent, eventually winning enough people over that he earned opportunities to broadcast on BBC Radio. With his body in England but his soul still in Trinidad, the music he made during his stint in London revealed naked truths about life in both nations.