MASS / M​Ä​SSA cover



A 7-CD set issued on Stephen O’Malley’s Ideologic Organ that asks the musical question—What makes your nightmare so special? You are likely not working as hard as Rozmann. These are electroacoustic pieces that involve some live instrumentation and choral singing, and the root idea has something to do with the Kyrie and Gloria sections of the Catholic mass. I do not doubt the sincerity of Rozmann’s commitment to that idea—I simply can’t hear it. What is available is a tour of fear city, rumbling over cobblestones and puddles running into a high church echo and falling into a nest of metallic swiping sounds and harsh crosscuts, even burps. This is that high European modernism, the belief that intense and challenging art could hit the spiritual center; meaning, nightmares as soul revelations, not campy catharsis.

Sasha Frere-Jones

Mannerlaatta cover


Mika Vainio
Aggregatum cover


Porya Hatami
Behold cover


Oren Ambarchi, Jim O'Rourke
Jaap Vink cover

Jaap Vink

Jaap Vink
Intra cover


Drumming, Mark Fell
Stadium cover


Eli Keszler
Follower cover


Chris Abrahams
Live Knots cover

Live Knots

Oren Ambarchi
Face Time cover

Face Time

James Rushford, Oren Ambarchi, Kassel Jaeger