Morton Feldman Piano cover

Morton Feldman Piano


Philip Thomas has been playing the music of Morton Feldman for almost thirty years, and the Piano 5-CD box is one of the best introductions to Feldman I’ve seen, partly because of the extensive liner notes. Thomas writes here about the “subtle and short-lived harmonics” and “changing resonances” and “rhythmic detail” of Feldman’s piano music. As a teenager, Feldman almost lived inside his piano, and this informs the work as a physical, rather than formal practice. These works are not about quietness or the speed of thought as much as they unpack the piano, how it strikes itself and where it speaks, as a living box. Feldman’s solo piano pieces are full of pauses but these are not the same as silences. Single notes hit and freeze and ring and carry the richness of the string with them. Several hours of Feldman through Thomas is more rewarding and addictive than twenty minutes. Live through this.

Sasha Frere-Jones
