Music for the Amorphous Body Study Center


Stereolab were working at such a prodigious clip in the nineties that mini albums like Music for the Amorphous Body Study Center are often overlooked. Composed to accompany an installation by sculptor Charles Long, it’s one of their most compelling sets, a perfect balance between their pop intelligence and experimental core. The pop songs, like “Extension Trip” and “Pop Quiz” are some of the lushest they recorded, with an ease of gait that Stereolab didn’t always manage to pull off. “How To Play Your Internal Organs Overnight” is a locked-groove mantra with the most ridiculous Moog interjection you can imagine; “Melochord 75” refines their one-chord Neu! chug to jewel-like clarity. It ends, delightfully, with the candyfloss chorus of “Space Moment”. Not a second wasted – it’s pure pleasure.

Jon Dale

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