Na Zala Zala cover

Darkness and echoes of anxiety permeate “Na Zala Zala”, but the overall effect is one of catharsis, offering a glimpse of a better future. Growing up in Congo Rey Sapienz used music as a way to process and escape the trauma of the bloody conflict going on around him, and on “Na Zala Zala”  he channels those feelings with the help of vocalist and dancer Papalas Palata and rapper Fresh Doggis. Together they weave techno, dancehall, soukous and traditional rhythms with raw Lingala lyrics that pull no punches in capturing the harsh realities the three artists have experienced. 

Megan Iacobini de Fazio

Bixiga 70 cover

Bixiga 70

Bixiga 70
Ethiopia Super Krar cover

Ethiopia Super Krar

Krar Collective
Sewele cover


Sir Shina Peters & His International Stars
Meow cover


Maistah Aphrica
Habibi Funk 021: Free Music (Part 1) cover

Habibi Funk 021: Free Music (Part 1)

The Free Music, Najib Alhoush