Now cover



Crescent are a Bristol-based group, peers with Movietone and flying saucer attack, led by Matt Jones. Their first two singles for author Richard King’s Planet Records, “360°” and “Sun,” suggested rock music dislocated from its core; the latter single heads up the Crescent’s debut album, Now. It’s also one of the album’s highlights, a coruscating blast, guitars like an avalanche. More often, though, tension wins out – even when spiralling into whirlpools of distortion, like at the end of “Song,” Crescent’s noise is perpetually near to boiling point. In some ways, the layers of gun-metal-grey guitars recall New Zealand legends Bailter Space and High Dependency Unit; the acoustic songs and instrumental interludes are shadier, whether shuffling jazz (“Intermission”) or cracked folk (“New Sun”).

Jon Dale

The Ark cover

The Ark

Tanaka-Nixon Meeting
Stoned & Dethroned cover

Stoned & Dethroned

The Jesus and Mary Chain
Crazy Elephant cover

Crazy Elephant

Crazy Elephant
Untitled cover


Royal Trux
Ejwuusl Wessahqqan cover

Ejwuusl Wessahqqan

Ejwuusl Wessahqqan
New Lands cover

New Lands

Flying Saucer Attack
Ohio Express cover

Ohio Express

Ohio Express
Miminokoto cover

