Paradise View cover

Paradise View


A soundtrack for Goh Takamine’s magic realist film of the same name, Paradise View would anticipate the Hosono world music-collaging skills that came to full fruition on omni Sight Seeing. Rooted in Okinawan folk song, it also takes in Balinese gamelan and vocal chants, with Hosono and his gear taking shards of sound and rearranging them into fascinating mosaics. He imagines ancient ritualistic music for a not-yet-determined future time.

Andy Beta

The Days of Mars cover

The Days of Mars

Delia & Gavin
 Ghosted II cover

Ghosted II

Andreas Werliin, Johan Berthling, Oren Ambarchi
Labyrinth cover


Ikue Mori
Bon Voyage Co. cover

Bon Voyage Co.

Haruomi Hosono
Tracing Back the Radiance cover

Tracing Back the Radiance

Jefre Cantu-Ledesma
Funky Donkey, Vols. 1 & 2 cover

Funky Donkey, Vols. 1 & 2

Luther Thomas, Saint Louis Creative Ensemble, Human Arts Ensemble
13th Month cover

13th Month

Kelman Duran