Raízes e Frutos cover

Raízes e Frutos


“Raízes e Frutos” couldn’t go wrong: it’s a collection of Geraldo Azevedo’s greatest hits. Secondly, it’s a Geraldo Azevedo album we are talking about. A singer, guitarist, and composer from Pernambuco (Brazil’s Northeast), Azevedo occupies a spot in the pantheon of Brazilian music. No wonder, he has integrated two of the most iconic musical projects that Música Popular Brasileira has seen so far: Cantoria and O Grande Encontro. Geraldo Azevedo’s roots, poetry, and subjectivity are revealed as we go through the nineteen tracks (divided into two parts). There is room for romantic ballads, such as the nostalgic “Talvez Seja Real”, as well as the intense love statement of the voice-and-guitar of “Parceiro das Delícias”. The gypsy vibe of Azevedo’s work is also present, especially when it comes to the lyrics and arrangements of “Barcarola do São Francisco” and the magnificent “Caravana”. Composed of ten tracks, the second part of the album is the more danceable one, with the omnipresence of Northeastern Brazil’s music elements (from genres like forró, xote, and quadrilha). The highlights are the beautiful lyrics of “Moça Bonita” and the involving “Taxi Lunar”.

Beatriz Miranda

De Pé No Chão cover

De Pé No Chão

Beth Carvalho
Tamba-Tajá cover


Fafá de Belém
Diplomacia cover


Capoeira De Besouro cover

Capoeira De Besouro

Paulo César Pinheiro
O  Grande Encontro cover

O Grande Encontro

Geraldo Azevedo, Zé Ramalho, Elba Ramalho, Alçeu Valença
Canto Geral cover

Canto Geral

Geraldo Vandré
Tem Que Acontecer cover

Tem Que Acontecer

Sérgio Sampaio
Feijão com Arroz cover

Feijão com Arroz

Daniela Mercury