Susurration cover



Craig Tattersall has spent several decades, now, refining his pathway through electronic music, with projects like Famous Boyfriend, The Remote Viewer, and The Boats. He’s a subtle master of electronica, someone who allows his music to tug at the heartstrings, but gently, and will no small amount of typically British humour (his catalogue is a masterclass in self-deprecating song titles). Light Trespassing is one of his best efforts yet, possibly the best Humble Bee album – it’s certainly the most poetic of them all, a dark and deep pass through dappled melancholy. The sadness is never overwhelming, but it’s certainly omni-present, and something that Tattersall peaceably whittles from his select sound sources – capsizing pianos, ghostly field recordings, tidal reverb, spectral whispers and floating tones. Music for lighthouses.

Jon Dale
