Ten Years of Leng Records 2010 - 2020 cover

Ten Years of Leng Records 2010 - 2020


A superb collection from UK label Leng that gives a decent overview of the label’s 12” and album releases and remixes while also including a few unreleased tracks too. Within the wide world of dance music, psychedelic Balearic, alt-disco club stormers and slo-mo 4/4 chug are Leng’s particular area of expertise, with the twelve tracks here showcasing some of the label’s finest moments. Kicking off with the instrumental version of Harks & (label co-boss) Mudd’s wonderous chug-vocal anthem Susta is a confident move: the song is superb but the fact that their ten-year compilation opens with an instrumental version so good it easily stands by itself sans vocals just demonstrates Leng’s general level of quality. They pull the same trick with the finishing track, opting for Max Essa’s gloriously sun-kissed Balearic disco instrumental of Cantoma’s North Shore. Particular dancefloor standouts include Mudd’s heavyweight, superbly-squelchy acid chug Slow Rave Mix of Tiago’s The Source, Lex (Athens)’s smooth, effortless jazz-disco DF Bounce, and the FX-heavy, percussion-heavy, bass-heavy dub-disco of Fernando’s Blue Impala, but everything here is of the same high quality.

Harold Heath

Foxbase Alpha cover

Foxbase Alpha

Saint Etienne
A New Constellation cover

A New Constellation

Quantic Presents the Western Transient
First Floor cover

First Floor

Theo Parrish
Goodbye cover


Ulrich Schnauss
Mess cover


Fila Brazillia
Elegant Systems cover

Elegant Systems

Kirk DeGiorgio
Funk Or Walk cover

Funk Or Walk

The Brides of Funkenstein