The Maria Dimension cover

The Maria Dimension


The follow-up to The Crushed Velvet Apocalypse (with the Four Days cassette as an interim work), The Maria Dimension builds on the vivid majesty of the earlier album, The Legendary Pink Dots having established themselves as a presence worldwide. Edward Ka-Spel’s visions of a serenely strange world retain the sense of ritual on songs like “Disturbance,” “A Space Between” and “The Grain Kings,” while Niels van Hoorn’s saxophone adds further queasy bite. They also achieved another notable subcultural hit-as-such with “Belladonna,” a haunting synth-led ballad.

Ned Raggett

Bummed cover


Happy Mondays
Finisterre cover


The Silverman
Replica Sun Machine cover

Replica Sun Machine

The Shortwave Set
Scale Compositions cover

Scale Compositions

Chihei Hatakeyama, Asuna
T.V. Sky cover

T.V. Sky

The Young Gods
The Gethsemane Option cover

The Gethsemane Option

The Legendary Pink Dots
Third cover


m b v cover

m b v

My Bloody Valentine