The Second cover

The Second


Steppenwolf’s second and most commercially successful album was released mere months after “Born To Be Wild,” from their self-titled debut, brought them nationwide fame and a permanent spot in the biker-rock pantheon. It contains a second, almost as memorable hit in “Magic Carpet Ride,” but it’s their jammier side, reflected on “Tighten Up Your Wig,” which featured frontman John Kay’s lyrics set to the music of “Messin’ With The Kid” by blues harmonica wizard Junior Wells (acknowledged in the lyrics: “But just before we go/I’d like to mention Junior Wells/We stole this thing from him/And he from someone else/Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he plays the blues like few before/May he play forevermore”), and the five-track medley on Side Two, that hinted at the grimy blues-psych direction they’d travel on subsequent releases.

Phil Freeman

Surrealistic Pillow cover

Surrealistic Pillow

Jefferson Airplane
Abraxas cover


Barrett cover


Syd Barrett
American Beauty cover

American Beauty

Grateful Dead
All the Young Dudes cover

All the Young Dudes

Mott the Hoople
In Blood cover

In Blood

Billy Childish, Holly Golightly
Asylum Choir cover

Asylum Choir

Marc Benno, Leon Russell
Stone cover

