Twelve years after his debut, Toussaint’s 1970 sophomore album found him in a curious position. He had already had a hand in turning British upstart bands into international rock’n’roll stars, from the Stones (“Pain in My Heart”) to the Who (“Fortune Teller”) to the Yardbirds (“A Certain Girl”), but he remained a reluctant performer himself. Ever the observant songwriter, he turned such scrutiny inward on “What is Success?” (later turned into a hit for a young Bonnie Raitt). The band assembled is an all-star cast, ranging from Dr. John on keys to Merry Clayton on backing vocals and the seasoned supporting cast susses out every emotional gradient in the man’s songwriting. Hits for Dorsey are recast here in more subtle shades, but even a laidback read of “Everything I Do Gonna’ Be Funky” remains undeniable. And even a cover of Vince Guaraldi’s “Cast Your Fate to the Wind” puts Toussaint’s melodic imagination on display.