Released soon after Parastrophics, WOW is Mouse On Mars at their most streamlined and club-focused. You can hear in the thirteen tracks that the duo have been listening to then-recent dance music, and they’ve digested some of bass music’s tropes, but as with everything they touch, it’s given an elliptical spin. Part of what makes WOW feel so fresh and distinctive is the guest spots from vocalists, particularly from Vietnamese sculptor and performance artist Dao Anh Khanh, whose swooping, swirling emanations, all in a self-invented fantasy language, gift the album with unpredictable charm. Recorded in just a couple of weeks, WOW seems to take off from its predecessor’s final cut, “Seaqz”, most notably on the 303 squirm of “ACD”; “APE” reminds a little of the down-low squelch of Flying Lotus; “CAN”, unsurprisingly (given its title), is digi-Krautrock, but by way of War’s “Low Rider”. At just over thirty-three minutes, WOW is punchy and relatively precise, pointing toward the more dancefloor-oriented material Mouse On Mars would release during the 2010s, on EPs like Spezmodia and Syntactics.