パンクの鬼 (Tokyo Anal Dynamite)
The Gerogerigegege are a conceptual front for artist Juntaro Yamanouchi, with a history and back catalogue that’s pock-marked with bizarre interludes, from the onstage presence of exhibitionist of Gero30, through albums of porn, ambience, and found sound. Tokyo Anal Dynamite is The Gerogerigegege at their maniacal best, a collection of 75 brief noise-punk tracks so frenetic and mind-numbing they meatball into one near-impenetrable wall of noise, broken up by Yamanouchi shouting the titles, and letting loose the classic Ramones ‘one-two-three-four’ calling card. There are covers of Rolling Stones and The Cure in there, too, if your ears squint hard enough.