Wormrot — vocalist Arif Suhaimi, guitarist Nurrasyid Juraimi, and drummer Fit — came blasting out of Singapore, of all places, with this astonishing 2009 debut album. With no bassist to get in the way, Juraimi’s guitar cuts through your skull like a pavement saw as Fit’s snare drum goes off like a bullet struck with a hammer, the rim ringing like a boxing-ring bell to propel the band to even greater heights of speed and aggression. Suhaimi is a fierce bellower, with Fit a second voice screaming from behind the kit, and their songs (23 in 21 minutes) have punk-rock energy and metal heaviness to spare. The song titles reveal a smart-dumb sense of humor: “Dis-Appointing,” “Fuck…I’m Drunk,” “Blasphemy My Ass.”