Amateurism 1980-87
A very welcome and much-needed compilation of singles by Andrew Wilson’s various groups of the 1980s – the Four Gods, the Frontier Scouts, and Andrew Wilson + Associates. Wilson was connected to the Go-Betweens crew in Brisbane, and indeed, the first Four Gods single had him backed by Lindy Morrison and Grant McLennan of that group, released on Able Label, the same label that introduced the Go-Betweens and the Apartments to the world. If you follow the thread of that early Brisbane sound – literate songs with sharp edges but informed by a winning melodicism that recalled the Byrds and Dylan circa Bringing It All Back Home – you’ve got some sense of what Wilson was up to. The ace up his sleeve was his capacity to upend your expectations, as the songs always took you somewhere else; he was a writer who knew that part of the magic of music is its ability to surprise.