Breadwoman & Other Tales
Anna Homler is a Bohemian of the old school – someone who sees the entirety of life as an artwork, and whose creative and occult investigations since the 1980s feel like a continuation of the work of beat generation affiliates like Burroughs and Brion Gysin. The Bread Woman was an eerie mythical archetype that came to her in a spontaneous musical ritual, and she has channelled her in costume and song – using a “discovered” primal language of her own discovering. The songs of the Bread Woman certainly feel like they could come from some lost civilisation (from Atlantis?), touching on blues, folk and ritual music of all continents and none. Steve Moshier provides crackling looped rhythms, radiophonic swoops and vocal processing, but the whole thing sounds distinctly ancient, distinctly like you recognise it from somewhere in a repressed genetic memory.