Le Futur Est Là cover

Le Futur Est Là


D-beat will never die as long as bands as furious as Bordeaux, France’s Bombardement are out there. Le Futur Est Là, their second album, delivers eight tracks of wall-kicking fury in under 20 minutes. Their 2019 debut album and 2020 EP, both self-titled, featured Emilie Bresson of art-doom quartet Monarch on vocals, but on LFEL, she’s been replaced by the mononymic Oriane, who spits the band’s lyrics out like they’re burning her lips. For the most part, the album offers a relentless wall of rage with little variation between songs, but on “Poison,” they add free jazz saxophone to the mix, with thrilling results. This is punk rock that’ll make beads of sweat form on your forehead even if you’re sitting down.

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