Muutto cover

The phrase “great sound design” can trigger a fear that a record is going to be more impressive than it is moving. Not so with Bristolian-via-Berlin sometime dubstep producer (as Wedge) Adam Winchester. On this album he delves into a kind of glacier-slow (and glacier-heavy) techno-dub that hints a little at the work of The Bug and a lot at Andy Stott, but as it goes on asserts its own pitch dark identity with not only all-enveloping mind movie-conjuring subliminal sounds and elemental bass, but a very unique sense of groove, like Norse frost giants asleep under the earth but dreaming of dancing.

Joe Muggs

Azure cover


Sky H1
Ecliptica cover


Santiago Latorre
Mission of Dead Souls cover

Mission of Dead Souls

Throbbing Gristle
Oceanic cover


Niklas Paschburg
Signs cover


As Is cover

As Is

Michael J. Blood
Kontakt Der Jünglinge 0 cover

Kontakt Der Jünglinge 0

Kontakt Der Jünglinge