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The Monitor
I heard this album for the first time when I was 18 and I really can’t think of a better age to discover it. The Monitor is Jersey punks Titus Andronicus’ second album, but every note is wrung out and hollered like it could be their last. Framing a breakup through the lens of getting really, really into the history of The American Civil War is a preposterous endeavor, but frontman Patrick Stickles weaves tales of melancholic self-loathing and paranoia with the same precision as the editors of a Ken Burns documentary. The songs are big, angry, tearful, with sections for any young person to exhume their heartache to — screaming along with “you will always/be a loser/you will always/be a loser” with the windows down going 70 on 17, ears ringing long after the acceptance is joyfully bellowed — “and that’s OK”.