Ulysses’ Gaze cover

ECM is, of course, known for covering many genres, but film soundtrack might not come readily to listeners’ minds. If asked to choose a representative example, I would unhesitatingly point to Ulysses’ Gaze. Greek composer Eleni Karaindrou’s music is more than incidental to the visuals of director Theo Angelopoulos; it is their heart turned into song. Even without seeing the film, one can picture the mist that pervades it in the airy strings, gut-wrenching viola of Kim Kashkashian, and plaintive oboe of Vangelis Christopoulos. Few albums have so beautifully captured the marriage of sight and sound.

Tyran Grillo

Timeless cover


Jan Hammer, Jack DeJohnette, John Abercrombie
Atmosphères cover


Eivind Aarset, Arve Henriksen, Tigran Hamasyan, Jan Bang
Uva cover


Seth Nehil
Desert Poems cover

Desert Poems

Stephan Micus
Confluence cover


JGrzinich, Seth Nehil
Portrait d'un Glacier cover

Portrait d'un Glacier

Lionel Marchetti
Life cover


Stephan Micus
Dolmen Music cover

Dolmen Music

Meredith Monk